Saturday Women’s Online Satsang
Saturday April 12, 2025
Please note start time is: 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Please use a time zone converter such as to check your local time.
Registration and Payment:
The suggested donation is $10 to $15.
Please use the button below to make your payment:
Donations are on the honor system and the Zoom ID/PW remains the same each time.
Zoom Meeting ID: 858 3359 1266
If you do not have the password for the 'Saturday Women’s Online Satsang' please email after your donation and the host will respond with the password.
It is recommended to do this at least 30 minutes prior to the call to allow time for response. For Urgent/timely questions: text Kiara 707-501-0122.
The 'Saturday Women’s Online Satsang' is hosted in California. The hosts can only assist with the registration for these events. For assistance with other events, please contact the host listed in the specific event's details.
"Pure balance supported by benevolent, unshakeable strength is who we are. We are the medicine humanity needs, calm clarity with an all-seeing gaze. Join us as we uncontain the field of presence within, blessing all that is."
- Pamela -