In honor of the Masters and Truth lovers who came before, and those with us now giving satsang around the world, here is a page for your exploration.
Satsang is a gathering of people to honor Truth, to rest from the conflict and confusion of the world, and take refuge in the Heart.
Pamela gives satsangs throughout the United States and Canada, and in Europe. She is supported by her church, Fellowship of the Heart.
Her satsang and retreat schedule can be found in the left column on this page; all are clickable for more information.
Several times a year she joins friends and lovers of Truth for extended retreats of up to a week. These take place in beautiful country locations. In the last few years retreats have been held in the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Mexico and Costa Rica.
Pamela is available for private sessions from her home in Northern California by phone or Skype.
You can read short transcripts of satsangs with Pamela, and a number of books featuring interviews are available.
And you can now hear and download selected satsang recordings.
Last but not least, here is a page of wonderful music from some much-loved musicians.